Bring the theater experience into your home with this luxurious Power Home Theater Recliner. More than just comfortable, this innovative model offers support at every angle with just the touch of a button. You’ll love the convenience of the integrated cup holders that let you keep your favorite beverage close and the lighted footrest that turns on with a button to light your path.
Origin Power - Power Home Theater Recliner - Flint 33.0"W x 36.5"D x 43.5"H - 112.0 lb
Origin Power - Power Home Theater Recliner - Linen 33.0"W x 36.5"D x 43.5"H - 112.0 lb
Origin Power - Power Home Theater Recliner - Truffle 33.0"W x 36.5"D x 43.5"H - 112.0 lb
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